Rhian Webb Professional Development Expert

In one of our most recent roundtables - in collaboration with our partners at Britannica Education - we discuss the importance of prioritising effective education initiatives in developing learners' critical literacies in appraising web-based information and digital media, and the challenges and opportunities around this highly relevant topic area for educators working in secondary schools today. 


Key discussion themes:

  1. The importance of educating learners on the topics of evaluating online information and digital media sources and prioritising the development of their critical media literacy and information fact-checking skills.
  2. Practical ideas on how to effectively prepare learners to navigate the complex, sophisticated landscapes of online information and digital media. 
  3. Ways to initiate and foster educational programmes aimed at developing teachers’ and learners’ critical literacies in appraising online information and digital media and how to align these initiatives with curricula and also schools' mission statements on fostering learners' democratic values.
  4. The role of professional development in encouraging educators to update and expand their pedagogical competencies and teaching practices in bringing critical information and media literacy education into their classroom settings. 

Discussion guests:

Watch the full discussion below!


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