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  1. Pick a topic you’d like to write about
  2. Submit your ideas as a draft or in note form
  3. Your draft will be assigned to a member of our editorial team who you'll work with to create a print ready article
  4. Publish live on isn.education and share with your wider network!

Answer just 4 crowdsourced questions a month & you could be featured in an ISN article!

Contribute your thoughts, insights and ideas by answering 4 crowdsourced questions each month from the community around the topics you're passionate about. Here's how it works:

  • We send you 4 crowdsourced questions a month

  • You contribute your thoughts and ideas by answering these questions

  • We choose a selection of diverse answers submitted by the community

  • We publish content each month featuring these answers and fully crediting members

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Connect with a global network of peers and educators from around the world through sharing your insights and best practice. We work closely with our community so we'll also invite you to join collaborative discussions and events on the topics that matter to you

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